Super Soul Sunday with Seane


She’s on a mission from God! Seane Corn, that is. And we co-hosted her Chicago visit & book tour in partnership with fellow local indie businesses — Book Cellar, Kal-ish Vegan & Ravenswood Event Center. Seane weaved an invitation to breathe and offer prayers to ourselves & to those in our lives. A surprise vegan birthday cake baked by Gina of Kal-ish Vegan was a sweet addition to the book signing. We loved helping bring together 115 yogis to welcome this amazing human & master yoga teacher while also raising money for Seane’s yoga activism charity, Off the Mat/Into the World. A tip of the hat to our yogi friend Anne Hellman who planted the first seed to make this celebration & a yoga fundraiser happen. It was a Super Soul Sunday IRL (in real life)!
